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Disparities in access pose challenges for the rollout of additional free childcare.Centre for Progressive Policy analysis predicts a rise in demand by 52% for under-2s by late 2025, requiring 27,800 more full-time staff. Investment is crucial to ensure all areas can utilise the new funding.


Childcare accessibility varies across England, measured as places per 100 children aged 0-7. Affluent areas like St Albans and Cambridge boast highest access.Generally, more affluent areas have better childcare access, though these figures estimate potential supply and demand.


From 2004-2018, UK parents with average incomes faced childcare costs of 20-25% of household income, among the highest in the OECD. In contrast, France and Germany's costs were 5-12%.Since 2022, these costs in the UK have dropped to 10%, now around the OECD average.


Working families in England are entitled to 15 free hours of childcare, doubling to 30hrs by 2025 with the aim of keeping more parents in work and limiting costs for working families.How do childcare costs vary at home and abroad?Net childcare costs as a proportion of household income for average earners vary significantly across the OECD. For 2-3 year olds, including all social and housing benefits, the OECD average is 9% for couples and 8% for single parents. In the UK, the figures are 16% (couples) and 5% (single parents).


Net childcare costs for parents earning minimum wage are lower due to additional government support. In the UK, net costs represents 5% of couplesā€™ household income and 7% of single parentsā€™.Government support helps to reduce the financial burden for some lower-income families.

@Hannah Cantekin

In 2022, Scotlandā€™s PISA score fell below the OECD average for maths and science.


How have NATO members' military expenditure changed over the last nine years?

@Hannah Cantekin

13% of countries implement compulsory voting in their national elections..

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