Manuel is a member of the Trade, Investment and Productivity team of NIESR. His interest lies in International Trade and his research focuses on export dynamics at the country, industry and firm level, and the role of trade shocks like trade liberalisation or Brexit in shaping export and investment decisions. Manuel holds a PhD in Economics from University of Sussex, with a focus on multi-product firm export dynamics and trade liberalisation. Manuel has gained expertise in applied micro-econometrics by managing both firm-level and customs data on Peruvian exports to the United States. He recently worked at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI-Dublin), where he investigated subjects such as the impact of Brexit uncertainty on FDI attractiveness and employment in the United Kingdom and, more specifically, Northern Ireland. He also participated in a project examining the role of the European Single Market as a source of competitiveness and productivity of European industries, as well as in a study on the main determinants of environmental innovation decisions of Irish firms. For those projects, Manuel made intensive use of datasets from sources like Eurostat, OECD, CompNet, fDi Markets, Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE) and the Innovation in Irish Enterprises survey.