Simon Burgess is a Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol. Simon is a labour economist. He completed his PhD in Oxford in 1987 with Steve Nickell. His current research interests are in the economics of education, including teacher effectiveness, pupil effort, school admissions, and market-based education reforms (such as school performance tables, school accountability, choice and competition). He also works on ethnic segregation in schools, and the educational performance of minority
University of Bristol
Simon Burgess
Harvard University
Samantha Burn
She is a PhD candidate in Health Policy at Harvard and research affiliate of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science. Her research is in health economics and public finance. Her primary research focuses on productivity and allocation of resources within public health care systems
Tulane University
Patrick Button
Patrick Button is an Assistant Professor in Economics at Tulane University and Faculty Research Fellow at the NBER. He primarily researches the economics of ageing, disability, and discrimination. His two projects on COVID-19 are: (1) how the pandemic and resulting recession is affecting workers near retirement age, and (2) how access to mental health care, and discrimination in access to mental health care, is affected by COVID-19.
New York University
Luis Cabral
His primary research area is the study of firm dynamics (innovation, platforms, reputation) with a focus on media and entertainment industries. He has written numerous papers and books, including Introduction to Industrial Organizations (MIT Press).
University of Kent
Michael Calnan
Professor Michael Calnan is a sociologist involved with teaching and research in the Sociology of Health and Health policy. His recent books are entitled Health Policy, Power and Politics: Sociological Insights, (2020) Emerald and, Power, Policy and the Pandemic, (2022) Emerald. His current research includes a study into violence against doctors in India.
UCL Social Research Institute, University College London
Stuart Campbell
Stuart Campbell works at the UCL Social Research Institute, partly in the Centre for Time Use Research and partly in Quantitative Social Science. Stuart is studying education, social mobility, and migration.