Questions and answers about
the economy.


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Health Foundation, University of Birmingham

Anita Charlesworth

Anita Charlesworth is the Director of Research and Economics at the Health Foundation, and Honorary Professor in the College of Social Sciences at the Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) at the University of Birmingham.

University of Warwick

Stella Chatzitheochari

Stella Chatzitheochari is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick. Her research focuses on time-use research, exploring a wide range of topics such as gender and leisure inequality, couple and family time, and effects of mobile devices on everyday life. She is also PI of the Leverhulme Trust project on “Educational Pathways and Work Outcomes of Disabled Young People in England, focusing on socio-economic disadvantage and life transitions of disabled youth.


Parama Chaudhury

Parama Chaudhury is Founding Director of CTaLE and a Principal Fellow of the HEA. Her research interests lie in economics education, especially the evaluation of teaching technologies and techniques. She is currently working on a project analysing the sources of the BAME attainment gap in university and has recently published a chapter on best practices in teaching economics. Parama also leads CTaLE’s consultancy work in providing blended learning in economics to the UK government.

Wake Forest University

Fred Chen

Fred Chen is a professor of economics at Wake Forest University. Prof. Chen teaches microeconomics, mathematical economics, and game theory. His main research interests involve the application of economic principles to issues in public health, population biology, and sustainability studies.

University of Warwick

Natalie Chen

Natalie Chen is Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick and holds a PhD in Economics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. After completing her PhD she spent 2 years as a Research Fellow at London Business School in the Economics Subject Area, and is a CEPR Research Fellow. She is mainly interested in applied issues related to international economics, covering both international trade and international macroeconomics, and is also interested in European Union market


Paul Cheshire

Paul Cheshire, CBE, is an urban economist interested in policy. He has published extensively, especially on urban growth in Europe, urban land and housing markets and the economic effects of land use planning. He has acted as consultant to the UK government and to international organisations. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and won the Royal Economic Society’s Best Paper prize in 2005 and the EIB-ERSA Prize in 2009.