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the economy.


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University of Oxford

Charles Hulme

Charles Hulme is Professor of Psychology and Education at the University of Oxford. His research interests span reading, language and memory processes and their development and is an expert on randomized controlled trials in Education. His work on reading development has made important contributions to understanding the role of phonological skills in learning to read. He has also worked to develop early language intervention programmes for young children.

Yale University

John Eric Humphries

John Eric Humphries is an assistant professor of economics at Yale University. His research focuses on topics in labor economics and applied microeconomics. In particular, he studies education, career dynamics, and self-employment. Much of his work considers how policies affect the acquisition of human capital and labor market dynamics. His publications include work on the GED high school equivalency exam, information frictions for small businesses, and the estimation of dynamic treatment effects.


Tehreem Husain

Tehreem Husain is the ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Economic History at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Prior to this, she was the Economic History Society Power Fellow in Economic History in affiliation with the Institute of Historical Research and a Visiting Fellow at the LSE Department of Economic History. Tehreem completed her PhD in historical infrastructure finance at the Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London in December