Ryland Thomas is a Senior Technical Advisor at the Bank of England where he has worked for over 25 years. In that time he has worked in a number of roles analysing both monetary and macroeconomic developments in the UK. He also spent six years in the Bank’s forecast and modelling teams. Ryland’s research has mainly focused on the role of money and credit in the economy and has largely involved using empirical time series methods. Ryland has also researched the impact of QE, fiscal policy and oil price changes on the UK economy. Additionally, he has a research interest in the UK’s economic history and the use of archival data in examining the past behaviour of the Bank of England. Currently he curates the Bank of England’s historical macroeconomic database “A Millennium of Macroeconomic data” and the ESCoE historical data repository. He also chairs the Historical and Monetary Financial Statistics network of central banks hosted by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).