Questions and answers about
the economy.


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University of Oxford

Matthew McKernan

I am a DPhil Economics student at the University of Oxford, specialising in macroeconomics and labour economics. My research focuses on the impact of household and firm heterogeneity with the labour market, and the implications of this for the transmission and design of policy in the context of business cycle models.

Queen's University Belfast

Donal McKillop

Donal McKillop is Professor of Financial Services at Queen’s University Belfast. His research focuses on the ownership structure of financial institutions; governance of not-for-profit financial institutions; regulatory change and capital adjustment in US credit unions; merger and acquisition behaviour in financial institutions; and risk management in not-for-profit financial institutions. Currently, Donal is Chair of Credit Union CEO Forum which seeks to help progress and develop the business

Heriot-Watt University

Eoin McLaughlin

Eoin McLaughlin is Professor of Economics at Heriot-Watt University. He was previously at University College Cork, the University of St Andrews, and the University of Edinburgh. He is an honorary senior lecturer at the University of St Andrews and a Research Affiliate of the Queen’s University Centre for Economic History. He has published widely on the economics of sustainable development and on the economic history of Ireland. Research interests include microfinance, land reform, fiscal

University of Oxford

Michael McMahon

Michael McMahon is Professor of Economics at University of Oxford and Fellow at St Hugh’s College. He serves on the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council. He is a research fellow of the CEPR and Director of the Research Policy Network on Central Bank Communication. He is Deputy Director of Nuffield Centre for Applied Macro Policy (NuCamp). He is also affiliated with the Centre for Macroeconomics. His interests lie in macroeconomics of fiscal policy, business cycles, monetary economics, and inventories.

Christ Church Business School, Canterbury Christ Church University

Richard McManus

Richard McManus is the Director of Research Development at Christ Church Business School and is Reader in Macroeconomic Policy. His main research interests are in the area of the impact of government on macroeconomic outcomes.

University of Glasgow

Robert McMaster

Robert McMaster is Professor of Political Economy in the Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow.  With John Davis, he co-authored Health Care Economics (2017).  He co-edited the Review of Social Economy for over ten years.